Sunday, May 8, 2011

#17: Freudian Slips

One more day before EDU432 exam.

I've read all the notes and understand them, but for the love of me I couldn't memorize and explain them in key points.

But no problem; suddenly out of the blue I am starting to have a prominent interest in psychology.

It feels like I'm uncovering some great truths about myself and the world.
Something so big I might find some new hidden discoveries.

Looking at my way of life right now I just actually might, hahaha.

Nonetheless, I hope I can keep all those interesting information inside my head.

And I can't believe in two more days I'll be back at home.

p/s: My Id and my Superego are so inconsistent I think my Ego is confused, hahaha.

Friday, May 6, 2011

#16: Numbing My Brain With EDU480

I had been "camping" in the INTEC library for three days straight now just for today's EDU480 exam.

Let me tell you I had never experienced a throbbing migraine this intense before!

But then again I had never studied this hard before. Not even for SPM. Hahaha.

I definitely owe my newfound good friends something. They are so different.
In a good way of course. They're authentic.

I'm glad I went for the study group in the first place. Who knew study could be fun in numbers?
I am so treating all of them a meal if I managed to get into the Dean's List.

Wow, saying Dean's List itself feels magical.
That's because I never got it before since I got into the degree.
It must be truly a miracle if I do get it, *speechless*

Anyway, about today's EDU480 exam; heh, I don't want to talk about it. It's just like me to not be able to finish in time.

But luckily the marks allocated for it is not that much.

Okay, fifteen marks is a LOT, but compared to fifty-something?
That pales in comparison.
So I'm just gonna look past that.

p/s: I don't feel like studying anymore for the last EDU432 exam; I think my brain just had a mild trauma. Hahaha.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

#15: Boys Boys Boys

Yesterday night was interesting.

I will only write this; no more, no less.

I hope we will never bump into each other again like we did.

p/s: I DON'T want to get a hit-on from people of certain orientation. Ekh.

Friday, April 29, 2011

#14: Click No More

The mouse I mentioned before had another one of its episodes just now.
It happened when I was keying numerous data for BEL482 carry marks.

Suddenly all the lengthy data disappeared before my very eyes.

I was so fueled by anger when all the data disappeared I karate chopped that poor rat with all my burning fire's might.

And now the click doesn't register anything anymore. I have to resort to tapping on the touch pad. It feels so alien.

I feel bad for the mouse too. It served me... barely.

At least I can still move the pointer around using the mouse.

p/s: I guess I don't have any choice anymore. I gotta get a new mouse.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

#13: What A Downer

Have you met a leprechaun?

I met one. He is really annoying.

And he is here right now.

p/s: Go away! Shoo. Why are you here? Go back to where you came from!

#12: Why Would There Be Such A News?


And this kind of news made it to the front. Hahaha.
At least it's nothing political.

p/s: Who cares if somebody did that kinda job? No offense.

#11: When Life Gives You Lemon, You Stay Away

I think I'm allergic to lemon.
But I have no problem with it if it's in small amount.

p/s: Lemons. Sounds like a cool word to be a catchphrase. Hahaha.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

#10: Seven Pieces of Advice To Live in Peace

1. Don't go looking for a fight with people who care about you.

2. Don't go looking for trouble with other people when there's none.

3. Don't assume and speculate bad things about others.

4. Don't stereotype people you barely know.

5. Don't be angry at others without a valid reason.

6. Refrain from hurting others when you're emotional. Stay away from people.

7. Think before you say things to others. You might regret it later.

p/s: I cooled down. End-of-semester syndrome is really something.

#9: Ow My Neck!

Ah, since that barber twisted my head around like somebody does in Mortal Kombat, my neck has been feeling a little bit strange. A little bit wobbly. Hahaha.

Maybe I shouldn't be getting head massages next time.

p/s: I'm going to get some lowlights in my hair for the next visit, hahaha.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

#8: Faultey Mouse Club

Right now, I have the most retarded mouse ever!

It's not mine actually; I found it in a drawer in my home's library.
It looked fine and when I plugged it in. The movement was fluid so I thought there would be no trouble.

And without any second thoughts I brought this one to SA.

It functioned well at first, but later the movements became schizophrenic and the clicking has a massive case of OCD.

At random moments the page I am at will suddenly be transported to previous pages or got closed.

It's like the mouse's possessed! Sometimes I couldn't take it any longer I just kill it by tugging off the plug. But in less than two seconds I plug it back in because I'm not used to using the touch pad. I NEVER use the touch pad.

And when I clicked once on an icon, several documents will be opened. It's like one click equals to three to ten clicks. How annoying is that?

This is really messing up the things I'm doing, especially if there are option boxes on the same spot from the previous one and if I need to understand what the instructions are saying before clicking.

I swear I would've gotten myself a new mouse if the ones sold out there in the shops weren't so expensive.

Okay, they're not that expensive, but the prices tagged exceed my expectations. I wouldn't want to risk going over my budget. I already did that just fine.

I guess I have to wait until I get home to get a "free", sponsored mouse.

p/s: My laptop's still going strong even after three years of vigorous usage. The secret? I NEVER move it anywhere, hahaha.

#7: Money Honey

Today I spent a lot of money.
Though I think my "lot" probably might be little for some people.

Since I was running out of provisions and water, I had no choice but to get out and restock.
While I was at it I had lunch. A late lunch.

And out of ordinary I ate Bandung Noodles.
My thoughts? Rice meal is always better for me.

And for once in a long while, I watched TV. I think the name of the movie is "Anaconda".
I love action movies, but only the ones with less gory details; more running and doing something.
And "Anaconda" has just that.

A bunch of people were looking for a rare kind of orchid.
Then the boat they rode on was destroyed in a treacherous waterfall.
Anaconda made its appearance and ate them one by one.
Only three from the bunch survived.

So I watched "Anaconda" until the end credits rolled.
And hey, they're heading for Kota Bharu before the movie ended, hahaha.

After that I went to get some necessary things in the list.
Mineral water, biscuits, yada yada.
Everything's under RM20+.

When the shopping is done, I contemplated to go karaokeing, but decided not to since I think I already spent a lot for the day.
So, in consolation, I went to a barber and asked for a head message.

Boy did he pulled and twisted my head like I'm a rag doll.
And he pulled my ears until they cracked! That's crazy.
But I loved it, hahaha.

Then for dinner I got myself chicken floss waffles with mayo corn.
Ah, I should have gotten another noodles or something.
Those two things were quite pricey. I guess things just added up.
Snowballed. Hahaha.

Before Isya' azan reverberated in the air I was home.

p/s: I found another roach and killed it. But I think it's an improvement; given how messy my room right now there's only one of it.

Friday, April 22, 2011

#6: You're Obese!

A few weeks ago I went to this place where they check your body weight, water weight, bone mass, fat layer and stuff.

What shocked me to the deep of my fat were they--no, the one-of-a-kind weight machine--told me that I have nine layers of fat around my heart. And I am an obese!

I know I'm a little bit overweight--just a little bit--but me, obese? That just doesn't make sense. I lead a healthy lifestyle. At least on the outside.

I park far away.
I walk rather than drive, every single day.
I also eat sensibly.
Desserts are only allowed during celebrations.

But the good news is I have a high body metabolism and a high percentage of muscle. Obviously, hahaha.

But my point is, I couldn't be an obese. I don't even have a big stomach to begin with. Maybe just some jiggly spare tires, but they're not even huge enough to be considered obese.

Somehow I know the information they told me was just a gimmick for me to buy their products. Actually, to my shame, I even considered getting those products. I almost bought them with my emergency money. They're not exactly cheap.

The products, as they market them, are a food substitute. From that moment on I started feel that something fishy was going on. I don't think I can be fully full just by drinking them.

No way.
But they were so convincing. They were even testimonial pictures among other things.

Fortunately, my instincts were stronger. I did some research after that and found out that the products only promote self-starvation diet, except that you have to go rob a few strangers on the sidewalk to pay for them.

Not only that, I found out a lady got a brain tumor after using the products. The doctors in the report said the products don't contain enough essential vitamins to the brain. Beri-beri I think.

So I was saved again by Allah in His mysterious ways. But I have to save myself too by starting to work out and exercise.

Which brings us all to this post. I am frustrated of myself for being so lazy.

p/s: I have a question. Can we work out at night before going to bed? Just something to soothe my frustration.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

#5: Grand Dinner

Since classes are over, I have been skipping lunch.
If you call munching on biscuits at noon as skipping lunch.

So, because I skipped my lunch--along with breakfast--I have more money on my hands. Not exactly enough to buy a pair of shoes, but it's quite generous.

The money just got snowballed after a few days of skipping meals, hahaha.

I would've not skipped any major meals if there is a single acceptable restaurant nearby. Why waste car gas if you only want to go out for a meal?

It's a good thing I have provisions.

So now I am wondering what should I eat for dinner.
I've been having Nasi Lemak for a week now.

Hahaha, I know, it's bad. But it's so delicious!

I want something that's fulfilling and invigorating.

p/s: Having boxes of cereals sure serve well as snacks. Or lunches. Hahaha.

#4: Dobrý Den!

Ahoj, jak se mas?

I forgot the reason why, but suddenly I am interested in Czech Republic.

Or anywhere else in Czech Republic.

Maybe because mainly it's in Europe.
Maybe because there are castles there.
Maybe it's the cold weather.
Maybe it's the beautiful nature.
Or could it be the novel language?

Whatever it is, I am fascinated by the whole idea of it.
It feels like it's meant to be, hahaha.

p/s: The Czech language's pretty cool, neni to tak?

#3: It's Hard Commitment

Okay, before I continue, I would like to apologize for my heartless previous post. I just realized the day that I thought beautiful was the day when the earthquake in Japan happened.

For that, I am sorry.

Alright, the blog. I think it's still hard for me to continue updating it, but I'm trying. I have lots of resources, but am too lazy to do anything about it.

But fortunately now is the study week, so any academic activities have ceased to stop. Except for studying for the finals, of course.

Wait, I do have another class. EDU433 potluck class. Ah.

Along with ever-postponed take-home to open-book test.

And I got to present on "Assessment". My partner and me, alone!
I don't even know what am I supposed to look for to present. It's not exactly emblazoned in the textbook.

I'm just gonna deal with that later. It's the end-of-semester syndrome. I don't care. Literally. Things just pass me by and I feel nothing.

I'm so oblivious to what's happening around me I feel like the time stopped.

p/s: Maybe I feel too alone to begin with living here all by myself.

Friday, March 11, 2011

#2: Don't Worry, I Wheel Come!

The weather was absolutely wonderful today!

It's been cloudy throughout with a light drizzle thrown in and maybe some decorative fog here and there.

Don't you just love Fridays? I sure do!

Heck, I was born on it, hahaha.

Nonetheless, things got more interesting after the sun went down.
Just now actually.

As I was sitting in front of my laptop in my room surfing the web, one of my friends called, asking if I have a car jack. One of the tires of his car was punctured when he drove through a big pothole on a bad road!

I have no idea what that a car jack is.

In fact, I don't know anything about cars except for driving it, hahaha.

Okay, for you out there who's a car dummy like me, a car jack is a piece of metal--I found it to be blue in color so far--that you put under a car to raise it, usually used for tire-changing purpose.

It took me a while to identify the car jack hidden under a spare tire in the bonnet, but it was there along with other tools.

This would be my first time to rummage through under the bonnet, heheh.

When the things needed were found, I drove to the scene, which wasn't very far away from where I live. A short drive, and I saw my friend standing beside his vintage car.

We got to work, though I had no idea what to do.
But he does. Sort of.

Anyway, everything was fine; we raised the car using the car jack and he started to unscrew the tire rim. No rocket science there. We were going to replace to punctured tire with a spare one.

When things about to look peachy it turned out that the forth screw is smaller than the other three, and we don't have the necessary tool!
I only have some kind of a L-shaped wrench with a screw head on the end, but at the moment we needed an X-shape wrench.
My friend and I became restless, wracking our brain for some kind of solution. All the tools didn't fix.

Left with no other option, my friend called his cousin to come and help. We're lucky that this one cousin is good with cars and have everything that we need for the tire change.

In about fifteen minutes later, the cousin came and took a look at the car jack. He told us that we had put the thing upside down!

No wonder the car jack looked awkward, hahaha.

The cousin then changed the car jack and proceeded with the tire change. The last small screw was unscrewed with ease.

After that, we took out the spare tire from my friend's bonnet and the cousin straight away fitted it in the round disk thing and tried to screw all the four screws back in.

But things went south as the spare tire was too big for the round disk!

One thing, after another. It was kind of funny how bad things keep happening to my poor friend.

I can't imagine if I were to be in his place. Huh.
I would have panicked.

But fortunately the cousin himself has one spare tire--I think everyone who owns a car do--so we tried to match it with his.

...It didn't fit either; the tire was big too!
Now we were at a loss.

But I remember I have a spare tire too!

Catching on, the cousin suggested that my friend borrowed my spare tire first. If my tire doesn't fit too, we will have to leave his car there and come back tomorrow morning.

It's almost one in the morning now in the dark road.
My spare tire is our last hope!

Without wasting much time, we took my spare tire out of my car and put it into the disk.

It... matched perfectly!

So, that's the story. After the tire change, everything took a 360 degree change for the better.

It has been educational for me; if I wasn't there I would still have no general idea how to change tires.

p/s: All that tire-changing doesn't look hard. It looks easy even. Hahaha. Who am I to say.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

#1: Good Morning!

My name is Zaqwan Badley. You can call me Jan.

It's not really morning right now, but I feel like saying it, hahaha.

I love mornings, they feel pure and simply magical!

So that is why the blog is named "Magical Morning"!

I have created blogs before this, but something feels off. I just don't know what that is.
Probably because I feel obliged to write the posts as interesting as possible and at the same I feel the need to be careful of what I wrote.

There's no more authenticity, no more life, no more autonomy.

I yearn for freedom. I don't want to be confined anymore.

So I will get it. So it will be.

p/s: That feels good.